Control systems need to be in place to help analyse performance to help future decision-making (Smith & Zook, 2020).
Website Metrics
Built-in analytic tools and dashboards.
Conversion Rate.
Devices Used.
Page Views.
Average Session Duration.
Bounce Rate.
All in bold are priority!
These MUST be checked weekly! (Kingsnorth, 2019).
The Bounce Rate will allow an understanding on whether the website's performance is strong enough for users. Coupled with Average Session Duration, this will inform whether the website needs redesigning and which pages are weaker then others.
Conversion Rate is the most important metric to measure success as selling the books via the new website will help cover the costs of this charity campaign.
Social Media Metrics
Social media monitoring tools help collate data into a social media dashboard that is meaningful to the business (Kingsnorth, 2019).
Instagram Insights (Analytics Example).
Again, these MUST be checked weekly! And its important to correlate the data with the website analytics to see which social media drives the most traffic (Kingsnorth, 2019).
Suciu et al (2019) states that paid ads lead to higher ENGAGEMENT, one of the most important factors of the REAN model (Jackson, 2009).
Followers Gained.
(This dashboard is an example created in another module for LinkedIn).